"The word hierophany, which means: the way the sacred is expressed in the material world. How absolutely gorgeous is that?! I learned of it from author Katherine May in an Instagram post (which I also recommend reading here!)"
Hi Shellie! It’s her post that has a photo of an orange in it (I’ll see if I can also update the link directly to it, couldn’t figure out how to do that earlier!)
which post on IG are you referring to for #1?
"The word hierophany, which means: the way the sacred is expressed in the material world. How absolutely gorgeous is that?! I learned of it from author Katherine May in an Instagram post (which I also recommend reading here!)"
Hi Shellie! It’s her post that has a photo of an orange in it (I’ll see if I can also update the link directly to it, couldn’t figure out how to do that earlier!)
Found it & saved it to read later. Thanks & have the most amazing time tonight!!