Dear wanderers, pull up a seat around the fire.

Stay awhile or come and go as you like. This space is where we put words around the paths we’re walking knowing that telling ourselves the truth about our own lives is where we begin. Again and again.

To Tell You the Truth is a little more than social media, a little less than an essay in a book. Writing from the depths of our watery souls, but also from the make-up section in Target because we contain multitudes. Mostly, a place to pause, to breathe, to hold more questions than answers, and to feel a little less alone along the way.

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things we are loving

things we are losing our shit over


bright spotlights on the work of other women we’re obsessed with


Sarah Carter is a writer, poet, artist, and mother.

Her writing explores the evocative dynamic between poetry and life, braiding story, memoir, and myth into a language of faith, embodiment, and feminine empowerment. She grew up on an Arizona horse ranch and spent most days stowed away under giant Mesquite trees, imagining adventures and losing track of time. Now, she resides near a wildlife preserve outside Chicago, writing stories, hiking with her dogs, creating abstract paintings in her studio, and hanging with her husband and kids. She still loves the desert and always stands barefoot under a full moon, and nothing makes her happier than witnessing women reclaim their worth and return to themselves. 

She co-authors Slow Burn: Reclaiming Yourself After Everything Burns to the Ground. Her poetry and essays also appear in SubStack: To Tell You the Truth and Instagram: @heysarahcarter.

Corinne Shark is a match-striking storyteller who has been weaving words since she was a little girl. With her head in the clouds and her toes always reaching for the sea, she spent most of her life trying to leave the desert in her rearview mirror and is more shocked than anyone at her later-in-life love affair with the Arizona she once again calls home. Corinne is a writer, advocate, mother, partner, and spiritual pyro obsessed with lighting soul fires among women. 

When she’s not hanging out with saguaro queens and picking cholla out of her shoes along neighboring trails, you can find her on her paddleboard at the river or swimming laps with the 65+ crowd at the neighborhood pool—her favorite place to scream underwater at the top of her lungs in response to the latest headlines without anyone worrying about her sanity. Corinne has deep convictions about what constitutes a good taco, stopping for sunsets, and well-written TV.

As a recovering rule-follower, Corinne exchanged her death grip on spiritual certainty for wide-open wandering. After almost twenty years of faith-based work in campus and mega-church ministry, non-profit work within the anti-trafficking and wellness sectors, she has spent years unraveling her faith, all her good intentions, and confronting their broader impact. Corinne has been weaving the thread of belonging to ourselves ever since.

Corinne has written creative content for online outlets like SheLovesMagazine, freelance writing for Driven Public Relations, and is currently developing a stash of creative projects for future publication. Corinne lives in Arizona with her husband, Eric, and their two teenagers, Carsyn and Garrett.  

Subscribe to To Tell You The Truth

Telling ourselves the truth about our own lives. Even if only a whisper. Even if only to ourselves.


Sarah Carter is a writer, poet, artist, and mother. Her writing explores the evocative dynamic between poetry and life, braiding story, memoir, and myth into a language of faith, embodiment, and feminine empowerment.
Corinne is a recovering rule-follower who exchanged her death grip on certainty for wide-open wandering. She has deep convictions about what constitutes a good taco, stopping for sunsets, and well-written TV. And yes, she always needs more ice.